Beginner Obedience - Mondays


Mondays at 5:00pm - Begins July 9th and ends August 13th
Registration Deadline: July 2nd

The foundation of your connection with your dog
This six-week (one hour/week) class will meet on Mondays for dogs 7 months and older. Obedience generates a willingness and enjoyment in working together, and helps you enjoy a well-behaved dog in public places. Topics will include socialization, attention, healing on leash, fun recalls, basic obedience commands, manners, and some of the common behavioral issues.

Attendance of at least 5 of the 6 classes, is required to join the club. If you want to join the club and will miss more than 1 class, please notify your instructor.

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For This Class: Please bring proof your dog has been vaccinated for DHLPP, Rabies, and Bordetella to your first class. Handlers must be at least 12 years of age. Minors must be supervised at all times, and able to safely handle the dog. We reserve the right to request an adult take over training.